Friday, October 31, 2008

Daddy's building a GREENHOUSE!

You can see we all put our hand prints in the cement! Daddy and Uncle Craig are going to build it this weekend. Stay tuned for more pics!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Pumpkin Carvin'

Ella was such a good helper! She liked to move the seeds to her big bowl and then dump them out. Good times. It was a pretty big mess but FUN! We didn't finish carving all FIVE of our pumpkins.. Pretty soon though, we only have a few days left. Max is planning on mounting them on posts in the front yard! I'll have to get a picture of that one!

Monday, October 27, 2008


This weekend, Nicky, Darwin, Ella and I drove down to BABY DISCO at club Heaven Downtown. Kiva and the girls met us there also! We had a really good time DANCIN'!! Darwin and Ella were both bumblebees!!! My favorite costumes (besides our little bumblebees) was the Simpsons family! Complete with Maggie in the Baby bjorn! Ella loved the bubbles, balloons and Sophia's magic wand (not pictured). I loved the free baby legs!

Friday, October 24, 2008

Here are Ella's best friends! Some people think they are triplets but Ella is the oldest here at 15 months. Darwin is next to Ella at 13.5 months and Baker is sitting down (can't walk quite yet) at 9 -10 months. These pictures were taken at Inga's "going back to mexico" party! WE MISS INGA!
Here are Ella and Baker at the park. It was SOOOO cold this day but the babies didn't care!

Monday, October 20, 2008

I've been tagged by WHICH GOOSE- My sister who sells wonderful crowns!.... Here is her SHOP

HERE are the rules:
The Rules:1. Link to your tagger and list these rules on your blog.2. Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird.3. Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blog.4. Let them know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

------Facts 1.) i enjoy mowing the lawn. 2.) recently, ella gets this look in her eyes and hits my face-trying to knock my glasses off! I tell her NO DO NOT HIT MOMMA and she smiles and tries again! 3.) i walk to the grocery store a few blocks from my house about once a day 4.) i have lots of houseplants that i feel are my pets. 5.) i enjoy doing stuff all day. not a fan of sitting around. 6.) I am sad we didnt go to the tonasket barter faire this past weekend. 7. i am excited about the greenhouse max is building on the side of our house!

I dont know any other bloggers to tag so i wont be tagging anyone else! AHHAHAHAHAHAHA That is all for now!

Our family trip to the Pumpkin Farm

We went a ~week ago to the FARM in Snohomish! It was great fun! Ella and Max picked out pumpkins:

We also went on a tractor hay ride!

And Ella sat on a giant pumpkin!
Our family portrait!
It was a super fun day!

Friday, October 17, 2008

My first blog!

This blog will have family updates and pictures as well as anything random i feel like writing. I can not promise daily (or maybe even weekly) postings but who knows! Ella does take naps....sometimes!

So Ella today is ...

Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Now we need some pictures up in here:
This one is a little old.. Mid September. I'll get some full family pictures SOON! i promise.

Also, very important: Please check out my sister's BLOG:
And buy one of her fabulous crowns at ETSY here:

Here is Max (Da da) and little Ella: